Margareta’s Story

Hey there, I’m Margareta, but you can call me Daisy. I chose this name because, like the delicate daisy flower, I’ve faced challenges where it felt like I was losing petals one by one. But through it all, I’ve discovered a strength in embracing life with the purity and delicacy of a flower – resilient yet fragile.

Approaching my 45th birthday with a 15-year-old child, I’ve grappled with polycystic ovaries since I was 20, enduring excruciating menstrual pain. I convinced myself it was normal, but the real struggle lay in battling anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Turning to contraceptives to regulate my cycles – which came every 24 days, twice a month – led to fertility investigations, tears, frustration, and immense suffering for both me and my husband.

With faith and perseverance, I welcomed pregnancy at 28 after exploring homeopathic treatments for metabolic regulation. Yet, it brought a new wave of challenges – depression, weight gain, and a daily struggle for survival. By 40, the doctor advised me to change my lifestyle, but despite efforts, success eluded me.

At 43, surgery revealed a 7-8 cm cyst on my right ovary, unveiling the extent of my condition. The operation lasted five hours, uncovering adhesions and cysts throughout my abdomen. Now, without menstruation post-surgery, I navigate amplified joint pain and a persistent discomfort that seems to linger everywhere.

Despite these trials, I’m grateful for every moment, cherishing the gift of life and the joy of my son. I recognize that my struggles pale in comparison to those of fellow daisies enduring greater pain, especially those yearning for their own bundle of joy. For every lost petal, a new daisy blooms, and today, I stand as a field of flowers, thankful for my existence.

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