Emma’s Story

For 26 years, climbing was off the table for me. That is until a recent photo session, organized by the Me and Endometriosis Association (Asociația Eu și Endometrioza). I’ve spent my entire life being the most afraid person in the world. But now, I have this urge to climb, to see everything, because with endometriosis, today might be fine, but tomorrow could be rough. That’s why I want to embrace every opportunity, just like I did when I conquered the Cheile Dobrogei Mountain and captured those breathtaking photos, despite having recently undergone surgery.

I firmly believe that everything in this world happens for a reason. Someone, somehow led me to discover the Me and Endometriosis Association (Asociația Eu și Endometrioza). The last time I owned a pair of sports shoes, I was 17. After that, the pain made them utterly useless. Terrified of the pain, I denied myself the opportunity to pursue my dreams and explore new horizons.

I used to think that this suffering was normal, that it came with being a woman, as if it were written in the stars. But after two surgeries, I began to realize that my life isn’t just about endometriosis. I’ve missed out on so many beautiful experiences, events, nights out with friends, and mountain hikes.

During that photo session, I found the courage to take a leap and asked my ovaries to play along. I pleaded with them to allow me to discover the beauty of nature and the world around me. I have complete faith in the projects and events organized by the Association. After 9 long years, I’m finally going to buy a new pair of sports shoes! And this time, I’ll put them to good use. If I didn’t need them before, I’ll learn how to lace them up, embrace my condition, and satisfy all my curiosities.

„My Endo,” as I sometimes call it, isn’t just about the thorns in my tummy. Sometimes those thorns transform into delicate daisies, painted in shades of pink and purple – the colors of endo.

Emma Zlateanu, 30 years old

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