Dana’s Story

My period came early, around 10-11 years old. I always experienced strong pain and heavy menstruation. I never questioned why I was in pain because my mom said she had pains too. It seemed normal to me. I started taking birth control pills at 18 and continued for almost 10 years.
Later, I stopped taking birth control, but we still used different protection methods. About 2 years later, my husband and I wanted a baby. After several months of unsuccessful attempts, we went to a fertility specialist for more detailed investigations.
During the ultrasound, small cysts were seen on my left ovary. After some questions about menstruation, and after analyzing the tests, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, and without much hesitation, in vitro fertilization (IVF) was recommended. We left the doctor’s office shocked, not knowing what future plans to make, whether to save money for IVF or look for other methods.
I was almost 30, recently married to my partner with whom I had been together for 12 years. I tried not to be overwhelmed by regrets, not to think that I could have conceived at least 5 years earlier…
It was tough, but we decided to try naturally because my Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) level was quite okay.
I found a naturopath who helped me drastically change my diet. I eliminated meat, dairy, processed foods with additives, and as much gluten as possible from my diet. I drank herbal teas and underwent lymphatic drainage massage and reflexology. I also did a detox cleanse with only vegetable juices and herbal teas. I tried to relax more and exercise outdoors. After 1.5 years of this regimen, the pains decreased significantly, as did the heaviness of my periods, I lost weight, and I felt great.
When I was more relaxed and at peace even with the possibility of never having a baby,… the miracle happened.
I got pregnant naturally! I tracked ovulation every month and tried as often as I could.
The pregnancy was extremely easy, and I was very happy and relaxed. I remained active, worked at the office until almost the delivery, and didn’t have swollen hands or feet. I strongly believe that this well-being was due to the pre-pregnancy diet and positive thinking!
I managed to avoid the cleaning operation, decreased the pains, and got pregnant by changing my diet, massage, and teas, and last but not least, through positive thinking and acceptance.
Let’s embrace the journey after I complete breastfeeding and witness the wonders that await. Right now, without menstruation and enjoying a diverse diet to support breastfeeding, I am filled with optimism. Soon, I will joyfully resume my vegetarian diet, confident in the power of positive change and the miracles it brings.
My advice to you is: keep the faith and believe that miracles can happen!

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