Lavinia’s Story

Hello! I’m Lavinia, a 31-year-old general medical assistant, and I’m here to talk about my experience with endometriosis.

It all started ten years ago with excruciating menstrual pain, but it wasn’t until January 2023 that I finally received a diagnosis. Despite reassurances from doctors, my intuition told me something was off, so I persisted. At my request, I underwent an MRI, revealing bilateral ovarian endometriosis. Seeking further consultation in Targu Mures confirmed stage IV endometriosis. Since I hadn’t tried to conceive before, the doctor suggested that I try to get pregnant for 6 months, even though the chances were minimal. If I didn’t get pregnant, he suggested that I return for surgery. y. Along with the confirmation of the diagnosis, thoughts began to haunt me day by day, although I tried to be strong. My immunity dropped, and I fell ill, being hospitalized twice within a few months
In June 2023, through a fortunate coincidence, I discovered the founder of the Bucharest Endometriosis Center and sought his expertise. Subsequent MRI results were devastating, indicating extensive endometriosis affecting various organs. With the doctor’s guidance, I underwent a 7-hour surgery on August 30, 2023, successfully removing all lesions without the need for a colostomy. Recovery was swift, with minimal pain and no need for painkillers post-discharge. Nearly 6 months post-surgery, I’m feeling great, with normalized bowel movements and minimal menstrual pain. Reflecting on my journey, I’m confident I made the right choice and encourage all women with endometriosis to seek proper treatment from a professional team. I share my story to shed light on the challenges women face due to delayed diagnoses, hoping to inspire others to advocate for their health.

This is my story and it has a happy ending! I’ll continue sharing it, knowing the power of solidarity and the impact of sharing our experiences.

Together, we are stronger! 🌷

Lavinia Hreniuc, 31 years old

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