Understanding Endometriosis: Essential Information for Those Recently Diagnosed

More and more women are receiving the diagnosis of endometriosis after years of searching. If you are one of them and have recently been diagnosed, here is what you need to know about your condition and what steps you can take next!


Endometriosis is the growth and development of endometrial-like tissue found in the uterus, in other areas of the body outside it. In endometriosis, endometrial-like cells can attach to the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, colon, bladder, kidneys, and vagina. They are also found in various cases in the abdominal area, on the intestines, liver, spleen, diaphragm, generating abdominal endometriosis.

However, some patients suffer from thoracic endometriosis (the presence of endometrial tissue in the form of cells or even nodules in the thoracic cavity, especially on and inside the lungs). However, there have been reported cases in which endometriosis could be detected not only in the larynx, but also in the brain.

The result of this migration of endometrial cells translates into adhesions, cysts, nodules, internal/external bleeding, and a lot of pain. And the pain is not only specific to menstruation, as is believed by the general public, but, in some women, it can be present at unimaginable thresholds, throughout the month.

To date, no treatment is known to cure endometriosis, and the medication used worldwide treats and relieves only the symptoms (mainly pain). The treatments used are: hormonal (they induce menopause for several months, sometimes even at a fairly young age: for example 21-24 years) or surgical where necessary.

Endometriosis involves many major complications that patients may face. Therefore, in addition to unbearable pain, patients may develop:

  •  Adhesions: these are bands of fibrous tissue that connect neighboring organs and tissues that are normally unconnected. These tissue flanges stick together organs that normally move freely and therefore can cause pain and even intestinal obstruction. The most serious form of infiltration of adhesions in endometriosis leads to the so-called frozen pelvis (frozen pelvis), which involves blocking all the organs in the pelvis. Beyond the unbearable pain, a frozen pelvis can endanger the patient’s life and can be repaired only with surgery.
  •  Cysts: In some cases, they require surgery if they are larger than 4 cm and appropriate treatment is provided by a specialist.
  •  Nodules: In endometriosis they are most common between the vagina and rectum, on the colon, bladder, vagina or lungs, endangering the patient’s life. Due to these nodules and the fact that their abnormal development leads to stenosis, patients go through operations that involve: resections of the rectum, vagina, bladder, intestines, and at this level, we are already talking about colostomes (anus against nature, incision in the abdomen, accompanied by a bag in which fecal matter gathers, with which patients are sometimes forced to live even up to a few months). Nodules can form in the intestines, rectum, vagina, bladder, uterus, or between the vagina and rectum.


First of all it is necessary to find a gynecologist who has skills in endometriosis and knows how to recognize it. Endometriosis can be diagnosed by:

  •  Anamnesis (discussion related to the patient’s medical history)
  • Consultation on the gynecological table
  •  Transvaginal ultrasound
  •  MRI with special endometriosis protocol. It involves in addition to the contrast substance (used in any type of classical MRI) and the instillation of sterile intra-vaginal and intra-rectal gel. Currently, this type of MRI, carefully interpreted by a radiologist specializing in the imaging interpretation of endometriosis and adenomyosis is performed ONLY in Bucharest, Timisoara, and Constanta!
  •  Hydro- Colo CT
  •  Adenomyosis can be suspected in patients who experience severe menstrual pain, but also in the rest of the month. It is diagnosed by ultrasound, but also with the help of MRI with endometriosis protocol, diagnosis confirmed by histopathological examination, only in case of a hysterectomy. However, histopathological confirmation of adenomyosis is not necessary to initiate treatment.


– The patient must perform this investigation between days 10-20 of the menstrual cycle

– If the patient is at natural menopause or drug-induced, MRI can be performed at any time of the month

– the patient will perform a microenema (which can be bought at any pharmacy), two or three hours before the appointment or one evening before / in the morning when the appointment is, if the patient is not from the area and arrives directly from the road;

– the patient can eat something light before the examination;

– the patient can drink coffee, water, tea;

– the patient must take her background medication – if she has it.

– the examination lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes including the scanning time and the preparation time;

– this investigation is NOT painful;

Patients who are MEMBERS OF “Eu si Endometrioza” Association  HAVE 15% DISCOUNT ON THE TOTAL PRICE OF THIS INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED IN CONSTANTA! Currently, out of all the three cities where this investigation is carried out, the membership discounts the “Eu si Endometrioza” Association offer the LOWEST PRICE with which this MRI can be done in all three cities of the country! Find out HERE how to become a member of the Association!


– the patient will start the preparations 24 hours before the appointment time;

– 24 hours before the examination will consume ONLY liquids: soups, vegetable soups, teas, water;

– On the day of the exam, do NOT eat or drink coffee 4-5 hours before the appointment time

– water can be consumed until the moment of examination;

– if he has background medication, it will not be interrupted;

– the examination lasts about 1 hour, including the scanning time and the preparation time;

– this investigation is NOT painful;

Patients who are MEMBERS OF “Eu si Endometrioza” Association HAVE A 20% DISCOUNT ON THE TOTAL PRICE OF THIS INVESTIGATION CARRIED OUT IN CONSTANTA! Currently, out of all the three cities where this investigation is carried out, the membership reductions in the “Eu si Endometrioza”  Association offer the LOWEST PRICE with which this MRI can be done in all three cities of the country! Find out HERE how to become a member of the Association!


In endometriosis, age is not important! You can be a teenager (although cases of endometriosis have been reported even in girls), a sexually active woman or already entered menopause and still suffer from endometriosis. And the quality of life under such a diagnosis is not a happy one at all.


So far, in Romania there are no bodies that offer concrete, tangible help to patients with endometriosis. This is the reason why I decided to set up the “Eu si Endometrioza”  Association. In only a few months since we have existed, we have managed to carry out important projects for our patients in the country, which we invite you to consult HERE!

We also offer a multitude of substantial discounts and facilities for the members of the Association. about which you can read more, HERE!

We constantly provide you with important information in order to be able to document yourself as much and correctly as possible on how to manage your life with endometriosis, published here and on our Facebook page: Me and Endometriosis Association!

Every month we organize meetings, workshops, seminars in which you can participate and find out a lot of useful information from gynecologists, radiologists, nutritionists, psychologists, acupuncturists or on complementary therapies. We also organize meetings between gynecologists in various cities, which we bring together to discuss and exchange experience in the management of endometriosis.


At these meetings you will discover a lot of women who go through exactly what you are going through! Their support is invaluable! You can count that no one will judge you, no will challenge your pain, moreover, you will receive the support and understanding you need and which, perhaps, you often did not feel that those around you (doctors, family, close ones) can offer you.

On Facebook we have a Support Group dedicated to patients with endometriosis. You can sign up too! It’s called: Me and Endometriosis!

You can write to us at any time on the email address: eusiendometrioza@gmail.com.

Women diagnosed with endometriosis end up giving up jobs because the pain and symptoms intervene in daily activities. They also sometimes lose their families, because the same manifestations affect the couple’s life, they often need psychotherapy for these reasons and because, although it is not a mandatory condition, INFERTILITY is quite present in endometriosis.

Doctors are only part of this mechanism, which must take endometriosis into account in our country. Beyond their doors are us, the patients with endometriosis, us, the “Eu si Endometrioza”  Association, who need to be consulted, heard, helped!

If you want to get more involved and help us in the projects we carry out, here are the collaborators we need!

We invite you to join us in the “Eu si Endometrioza”  Association so that we can work together, as useful as possible for your well-being and to obtain our legal rights, recognized, as patients with endometriosis!

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