Support Endometriosis Awareness Efforts: Redirect 3.5% to Eu si Endometrioza Association

Sign Form 230, without the need to visit ANAF!

For any information, you can contact us at the following number: 0722 370 727 (Camelia Chirita) or at the email address

You can download the form:
Download Form 230

Fill it out with your personal data and we will submit it for you:

Alternatively, if you’re a micro-company or corporate income taxpayer, profit tax and microenterprise income taxpayers have until December 25, 2024, to submit Form 177 to ANAF. This will redirect a portion of their 2023 tax to the Eu si Endometrioza Association, following the execution of a sponsorship contract.

No added expenses for your company; ANAF reallocates the amount from your paid tax to us. This form is for companies with unused sponsorship limits from last year.

For 2023, make sure to submit Form 177 online by December 25, 2024. In Section II, “Redirecționarea impozitului pe profit/venit,” choose option 1: “Sponsorizare către entități persoane juridice fără scop lucrative.”
In the same section, include the following beneficiary information:

  • Fiscal identification code: 37676134
  • Bank account (IBAN): RO82BTRLRONCRT0385986401
  • Address: Republicii Blvd. 167, bl 27C, ap. 22, Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova
  • Phone, email: +40752 866 451,

With your support, we’ll intensify endometriosis and adenomyosis awareness in Romania, ensuring swift diagnosis and optimal treatment for all affected women!

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