Annual Report 2017-2018: Psychotherapy Services Provided to Endometriosis Patients – Psychologist Andreea Tudor

During the first year of collaboration between the Asociația „Eu și Endometrioza” and psychotherapist Andreea Tudor, endometriosis patients had the opportunity to benefit from weekly psychotherapy sessions. Here, in this year’s report, are the results of the psychotherapy sessions, as well as some of the working techniques used by Andreea to support endometriosis patients. The report below belongs to psychotherapist Andreea Tudor:

Among the issues reported by endometriosis patients during psychotherapy sessions, the main ones are recorded in the personal sphere related to this condition (endometriosis and its symptoms, self-image and self-confidence, recovery after surgical interventions, redefining the meaning of life, mood), couple, family or social relationships, and the professional sphere.

At the beginning of personal psychotherapy, each of these patients set their therapeutic goal (or goals depending on the case), then over time these were measured, checked, or reformulated. Also, from my initial assessment, various difficulties that patients encounter emerged: pain, depressive mood, self-depreciation and lack of self-confidence; affected social, couple, or family life; dysfunctional emotions related to the diagnostic experience and treatment, difficulty accepting their body (and scars) following surgery; panic attacks and anxiety; problems at existing workplaces or reduced ability to work; pervasive worries, unrealistic expectations, distorted perceptions, unexpressed emotions.

Being a psychotherapist from an integrative training school, I was able to address the different difficulties encountered through a wide range of techniques from various schools of psychology, depending on the availability of the clients and the specific nature of the topic addressed: empty chair technique, emotional awareness, body work, hypnosis and relaxation, art therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques (negative thought journal, identifying cognitive distortions and discovering alternatives), voice work, anger discharge, breathing techniques, discovering and activating resources, self-awareness techniques, self-esteem enhancement techniques, femininity work techniques, unconditional positive regard, analysis of dysfunctional patterns and discovery of others, life and self-belief redefinition, couple communication techniques, transactional analysis.

Throughout the psychotherapy sessions, progress has been recorded among endometriosis patients:

  • Increased self-confidence and positive self-image: Clients experience improvements in how they perceive themselves, their thoughts about themselves, and their external manifestations.
  • Decreased anxiety: Clients learn new coping mechanisms to deal with fear of the unknown, resulting in improved general mood and more authentic, close, and warm relationships.
  • Self-awareness, acceptance, and accountability: Clients gain a better understanding of themselves, become their own support system, and accept their past and diagnosis, integrating traumatic experiences.
  • Connection with the Self and own needs: Clients prioritize their needs, challenge negative thoughts, and find alternatives to function more adaptively, leading to increased self-awareness and alleviation of physical discomfort.
  • Activation of resources: Clients discover and utilize their resources effectively in problematic situations.
  • Positive behavioral changes: Clients adopt new productive behaviors and experience indirect changes due to personal progress.
  • Significant improvement in chronic pain: Emotional problem awareness and resolution of psychosomatic aspects lead to a noticeable reduction in chronic pain.

These results highlight the effectiveness of psychotherapy in helping endometriosis patients achieve personal growth and improve their quality of life. They demonstrate that with involvement, desire for change, and determination, collaborative efforts can greatly benefit endometriosis patients, fostering respect, acceptance, support, and trust in their capacity for evolution.

For more information about Andreea and our collaboration, you can find it HERE and HERE!

We remind you that Andreea Tudor is a collaborator of the “Me and Endometriosis” Association, in the efforts to raise awareness about endometriosis and help patients with this pathology. Andreea can take weekly patients for face-to-face therapy at the office in Brașov, and for patients from the rest of the country, Andreea can work online. Members of the “Me and Endometriosis” Association also benefit from discounts on Andreea’s services. If you need the services of a psychologist and want to benefit from Andreea’s experience and advice, as well as the discounts of the Association, we await your messages at

1 thought on “Annual Report 2017-2018: Psychotherapy Services Provided to Endometriosis Patients – Psychologist Andreea Tudor”

  1. Este impresionant sa citesc despre rezultatele terapiei tale alaturi de Asociatia “Eu si Endometrioza”. Este cu adevarat remarcabil faptul ca, prin intermediul tehnicilor tale, ai reusit sa oferi un suport atat de valoros si eficient pacientelor cu endometrioza. Este impresionant sa vezi cum, prin intermediul acestor terapii, pacientii si-au putut atinge obiectivele terapeutice si au invatat sa faca fata mai bine dificultatilor cu care se confrunta in viata de zi cu zi. Rezultatele inregistrate sunt cu adevarat remarcabile si demonstreaza cu claritate impactul pozitiv pe care il ai asupra vietii pacientilor tai.

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